Short on ideas but not short on rope? Your favourite super strength cord has many practical applications, but there are also a wealth of different activities that will keep both your mind and body occupied.

Tell give you a helping hand, Rope Warehouse have put together a list of our favourite rope based sports and activities to get you inspired right now!

Jump Rope

High speed skipping exercises are not only reserved for Rocky movie training montages... In fact, anyone can burn a serious amount of calories if you use a jump rope.

All you need to do is keep your arms and elbows away from your body and swing the rope in front of you and under your feet. It may take some practice and coordination to achieve a speed that rivals a boxer, but it's a brilliant, fat shedding, calorie burning workout that will shake up your exercise routine.

Tug Of War

Tug of war is far more than just a kids game. It's a world-class, competitive event that requires athletic strength and technique.  If you've ever wondered how to play tug of war, check out our blog 'HOW TO PLAY TUG OF WAR' where you'll find everything, from the type of rope you need to use to rules and team information.


Easily the most physically demanding rope activity on our list, climbing is challenge that's not for the faint-hearted. Testing your mental and physical strength to the absolute limit, ascending a cliff or mountainside requires a huge amount of apparatus and expertise.

If you are an experienced climber, make sure you take a look at our climbing section, featuring a huge number of professionally chosen and tested and lines, karabiners and more.

Battle Ropes

Battle Ropes are a fat shedding workout wonder for fitness enthusiasts looking to improve their functional strength while getting in insane physical shape.

If you've ever visited a large gym, you may have seen a hefty length of rope bolted to the wall - all you need to do is slam, wave, circle and lunge and you could burn as much as 100 calories in 10 minutes or less.

For all your burning battle rope questions, check out our previous blog: 'The Best Full Body Battle Rope Exercises'.

Rope Craft

Physicality and rope activity don't have to go hand-in-hand. There are literally hundreds of things you can do with rope, all you need is the right materials and a little bit of imagination and creativity...

If you're not sure how to start your new rope making hobby, check out our '9 Things You Never Knew You Could Do With Rope'.

Post By Ed Mason
