A good anchor should connect sturdily to the sea bed and attach securely to the boat itself. So to achieve the perfect setup, Rope Warehouse will explore the different types, lengths and sizes of rope you need to ensure your boat doesn't become a drifting vessel.
What Does An Anchor Line Consist Of?
Anchor line, or rode, refers to the rope and chain that connects the anchor to your vessel. The best type of rode consists of a combination of both chain and rope; the chain is connected to the anchor to protect against erosion when it comes into contact with the seabed and the sheer weight of the chain also prevents the anchor from becoming unsettled when it's lying on the sea floor.
What Type Of Rope Should I Use?
Nylon is one of the most practical and reliable forms of anchor rode due to its combined strength and lightweight flexibility. It also has a degree of elasticity, providing good shock absorption and sinks when placed in the water.
Rope Warehouse's nylon rope is made especially for mooring, anchor and heavyweight industrial purposes. Not only does it react brilliantly to stress but the lightweight qualities make it easy to hold when in use and convenient to store away when out of use. You can also select from a choice of thicknesses, size and functional purpose before you buy.
Twisted nylon rode is elastic, cost-effective and easy to splice. Able to withstand the heavy loads required when carrying an anchor, this rope also offers UV and abrasion resistance along with its great strength capabilities:
For a stronger, more flexible and soft to handle option, the Marlow Multiplait Nylon is a superior option for docklines and anchoring, helping to absorb high shock loads:
Specially made for docklines and anchors, Marine Pre Made Dockline offers outstanding performance; 15% more strength than 3 strand mooring lines, providing a comfortable feel and an ablity to withstand loads of up to 4150kg.
What Size Anchor Rope Do I Need?
Working out how much anchor rope and chain you need is one of the more complex questions to answer. However, a good rule of thumb is using 8 feet of rope for every foot of water that your anchor is immersed within. Your rope should also have a 1/8" diameter for every 9 feet of boat. When it comes to anchor rode, always think in terms of scale when determining the length and thickness of your rope.